
Name Of This Teacher is Debby Heerkens, She live in Netherland and she is teaching in a school known as - Groene Hart Rijnwoude -. She knows a better way of teaching, She know how can attract a biology student and how to teach. Her style is totally unusal from others but she is still working with this style because she thinks that it can change way of teaching in a good way and students can learn more and clearly by this style.She has many human body costumes for teaching biology.

Here She is trying to understand working of a human skelton

Starting Point..

biology, how to teach biology, how to learn biology online, skeleton wallpapers hd, lady skeleton, female skeleton, how many parts in a human body, new way of teaching, new style of teaching biology, How to attract the students, how to get attraction of the students, biology students.
Keywords ; interesting teaching quotes interesting teaching techniques interesting teaching topics for presentation funny teaching